You may be wondering who this Ashish is. And so did I, a few days back when I heard about him. And then when I went through some of his blog posts and learnt the concept behind his travels, I got interested.
Ashish is a traveller like you and me who is on a journey across India. He is not a typical traveller with a fixed itinerary and he isn’t staying in hotels. His itinerary is derived by members of a community site (OkTataByebye.com), who invite him and show him their city. He so far has been to Dharamsala, Dehradun and scores of other places. And I love going through his travels though some of his videos are hazy.
The concept is to stay in a member’s house on his/her invitation. The idea is new to India and may take some time to take off. But it was a success for Ramon Stoppelenburg – a Dutch, who travelled the world for over two years without money. Ramon quit his journalism study to travel the world. He was chased by the media. To quote Ramon, “Most of the times it was all part of a media circus and I knew I couldn't travel without it.” In India, the media still has to pick this interesting story up. You may read more about ‘My Self Ashish’ here. Those interested to know more on Ramon’s travels, visit letmestayforaday.com
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